(PAIP) Partner Abuse Intervention Program

26-Week Partner Abuse Intervention Program (PAIP). 


We provide the 26-Week Partner Abuse Intervention Program (PAIP). 

Our fees are based on income, or based on a Sliding-Fee-Scale. 

If you want to enroll in the program, you must complete an Intake/Screening. Call us at (773) 293-1770 to schedule your appointment. 

Then you need to complete the program’s orientation and start attending classes. 

The following are our PAIP groups: 


5:00 PM, Women English Group

7:00 PM, Men English Group 


7:00 PM, Men English Group 


Women English Groups


4:00 PM, Men Spanish Groups

7:00 PM, Men English Groups 


1:00 PM, LGBTQ+ English Groups 


9:00 AM, Men English Groups 

9:00 AM, Men Spanish Groups

11:00 AM, Men English Groups


10:00 AM, Men Spanish Groups 

Avance’s Partner Abuse Intervention Program (PAIP) is approved by the Illinois Department of Human Services (DHS), to provide Partner Abuse Interventions for clients that are volunteered or self-referred, or referred by the Family or Criminal Courts. We have groups in English and Spanish, with flexible schedules during the evenings and weekends.

If you are interested in joining our PAIP program, you need to schedule a Screening or Intake appointment.  

In our mission, we consider the relationships between family members based on respect for each individual’s values, beliefs, dignity, and role within the family. The philosophy of our program is that all individuals experiencing intra and interpersonal difficulties with domestic abuse can benefit from educational and counseling services in a culturally-sensitive and holistic treatment approach.