Individual Counseling Intake Screening


Please complete all information. It may seem long, but most of the questions require only a check, so it will go quickly. This form is required for your initial intake appointment. Call us if you have any questions (773) 293-1770. Thank you

Enter Today's Date(Required)
Occupational History:
Have you ever served in the military?

Criminal History

Alcohol and Drug Use History

Do you have any tolerance to alcohol?

Describe your alcohol history. Tell me from what age to what age, were you drinking the same patterns. For example, "from 25 to 35, I was drinking 4 to 6 beers or drinks 1 time per week, and on special occasions, I drank up to 12 beers" (as an example). Try to be honest, and if you cannot remember try your best to describe your alcohol patterns.

The following section provides a list of drugs. Select the drug or substance that you have used or are currently using. There are 5 options, but only select the drugs that apply to you. if you don't have a drug history go to the next section of this questionnaire.


Have you ever experienced the following as a result of your alcohol/drug use?

1. Missed work
2. Under the influence of alcohol/drugs during work
3. Under the influence of alcohol/drugs before noon
4. Gulped drinks
5. Hidden alcohol/drugs in the home from parents or partner
6. Experienced memory loss of events that occurred during intoxication
7. Passed out
8. Become sick (headaches, hangovers, upset stomach, vomiting, etc.)
9. Been in a fight
10. Had close friends or relatives express concern over drinking/drug use
11. Set out with the thought of having a social drink but became intoxicated
12. Lost friends or had relationships break up over alcohol/drug use
13. Felt annoyed when confronted with possible alcohol/drug problem
14. Felt guilty or ashamed of things said or done while drinking/using drugs
15. Tried to quit drinking/using drugs but failed
16. Experienced extreme personality changes when drinking/using drugs
17. Noticed increased tolerance to alcohol or other drugs
18. Used alcohol to self-medicate chronic pain
19. Experienced shakes or tremors


Have you ever or currently been diagnosed with a Psychiatric and/or Psychological Condition?
Are you under the care of a Psychiatrist?
Have you ever been treated by a mental health professional?
In the last 12 months, have you experienced problems with any of the following difficulties or symptoms?
Have you ever experienced Hallucinations?
Have you ever experienced Delusions/False Thoughts?
Have you ever had an attempt or plan of suicide?
Have you ever had feelings or thoughts that you didn't want to live? If YES, please answer the following. If NO, please skip to the next section
Do you currently feel that you don't want to live?
Trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too much
Do you feel hopeless and/or worthless?

DEPRESSION SCREEN: Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you Not Several half the Nearly been bothered by any of the following problems?

Little interest or pleasure in doing things.
Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless.
Feeling tired or having little energy.
Poor appetite or overeating.
Feeling bad about yourself—or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down.
Trouble concentrating on things such as reading the newspaper or watching television.
Moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed? Or the opposite—being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usual.
How difficult have these problems made it for you to do your work, take care of things at home or get along with other people? (please circle one)
Thoughts that you would be better off dead or of hurting yourself in some way.

Anxiety Screen: Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems?

Feeling nervous, anxious or on edge.
Not being able to stop or control worrying.
Worrying too much about different things.
Troubling relaxing.
Being so restless that it is hard to sit still.
Becoming easily annoyed or irritable.
Feeling afraid as if something awful might happen.
I have been exposed to actual or threatened death, serious injury or sexual violence.
I have intense memories of a previous traumatic event.
I try to avoid people, places or things associated with a traumatic event.
My thoughts and moods have been negatively impacted by a traumatic event.
I feel numb, detached or isolated from others.
I have mood swings that seem to come out of nowhere.
Have you been exposed to Domestic Violence?
Have you ever experienced any of the following?


Relationship History and Current Family:
If not married, are you currently in a relationship?
Are you sexually active?
Do you have children?
Are your parents alive and well?
Spiritual Life: Do you belong to a particular religion or spiritual group?





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